GWO Working at Height Refresher (WAHR)
Refresher training for working at height in the offshore wind and renewables industry
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The aim of this BSTR Working at Heights Module is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training so that Delegates can use basic personal protective equipment and perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights in the wind turbine industry/ WTG environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
Learning Objectives
Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks associated with working at heights in a WTG.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct identification of PPE, including identification of European/ Global Standard markings on harness, hard hats, lanyards and other PPE.
Delegates are able to demonstrate the knowledge of and skills to correctly pre-use inspect, service, store and correct fitting of harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, work positioning lanyards and other PPE.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arresters and work positioning lanyards. These include correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of evacuation devices.
Delegates are able to demonstrate how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently.
All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the Working at Height prior to attending BSTR training.
The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
GWO BSTR Working at Height Refresher
2 years
Who is this course for?
People continuing a career in the offshore wind or renewables industry.
£170 excl. VAT
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