Medical Courses
Welcome to Stream Marine Training, your premier destination for comprehensive medical courses tailored to the maritime industry. Our specialised training packages cover a diverse range of governing bodies, including MCA, GWO and HSE, ensuring you and your team are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for a safe and secure maritime environment. Browse our medical courses below.

1 day
The aim of this BST Module is to enable delegates to administer safe and effective First Aid in the wind turbine industry/ WTG environment, in accordance with GWO First Aid training through theoretical and practical training.
Furthermore, this training will enable the delegate to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED).
GWO BST First Aid
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out First Aid in a safe and sound manner, in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location and according to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) hereunder the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines
- The Delegates are able to identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding and correct order of management in an emergency situation in a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the Primary Survey “C” -A - B – C including the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the Secondary Survey
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of Primary and Secondary Survey including the use of First Aid equipment in a First Aid scenario
2 years
Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry.
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£97.50 excl. VAT

1 day
The aim of this BSTR First Aid Module is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills from BST First Aid through theoretical and practical training so that Delegates can administer safe and effective First Aid, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the wind industry / WTG environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for First Aid prior to attending BSTR training.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
2 years
People continuing a career in the offshore wind and Renewables industry
GWO BSTR First Aid Refresher
Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of safely and correctly carrying out First Aid in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location and according to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) e.g. European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines
Delegates are able to identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body
Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding and correct order of management in emergency situations in a wind turbine work environment
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the Primary and Secondary Survey (“C”-A-B-C-D-E)
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of First Aid equipment in First Aid scenarios
£70 excl. VAT

5 Day On Site Course
This course equips the learner with the initial knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform the role of ERRV crew.
- The basics of ERRV Operation
- Types of emergency incident and relevant information
- ERRV On-Board Response
- Range of ERRV survivor rescue and recovery equipment
- Safe and effective use of the ERRV Survivor Rescue and Recovery Equipment
- Anatomy and Physiology as appropriate to the role of the BMA
- Principles and Priorities of First Aid
- Anticipated Scenarios Encountered by the BMA following an Offshore Incident
- How to initially receive Casualties Onboard
- Treatment of Anticipated Scenarios encountered by the BMA following an Offshore Incident
- Casualty Monitoring and Recording
- Initial assessment of casualties
- Treatment of Anticipated Scenarios encountered by the BMA following an Offshore Incident
- Preparing casualties for transfer from ERRV
Government issued photographic ID (passport, driving licence etc)
On successful completion of the course, delegates will be provided with an OPITO Approved ITSO certificate.
36 months
It is envisaged that on completion of the Initial Training programme learners will become part of an operational ERRV Crew.
Learners failing to do so within 12 months of completing this course shall repeat the Initial Training Programme

1 Day
The STCW Elementary First Aid course is set up to configure part of the mandatory Basic Safety Training (BST) for seafarers. This teaching will give prospective seafarers’ basic knowledge of the immediate response to give when faced with medical emergencies or accidents whilst at sea.
Applying immediate first aid in the event of an accident/injury on board ship
Actions on discovering a casualty
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Recovery position
Spinal injuries
Examination of a casualty
Medical conditions including heart attack, choking & asthma
Treatment of bleeding, burns & shock
Transporting a casualty on board ship
- Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Elementary First Aid (EFA) certificate, after a short exam.
£125 excl. VAT

5 Days
If you would like to refresh your ticket please see STCW Medical Care on Board Ship Update Course.
The STCW Medical Care Onboard Ship course is set up to offer the relevant knowledge and skills needed for seafarers that are undergoing their Chief Mates Certificate of Competence and those who are assigned in charge of Medical Care onboard Ship, per Regulation V1/4 of the annex STCW Convention.
Do you need the refresher course? - STCW Updated Medical Care Onboard Ship (MCOBU)
- Care of the casualty
Aspects of nursing
Alcohol and drug abuse
Dental care
Gynaecology, pregnancy, and childbirth
Medical care of rescued persons
Death at sea
Disease prevention
Record keeping
Delegates must be at least 16 years old.
Delegates must hold a Proficiency in Medical First Aid Onboard certificate, or a Proficiency in Medical Care Onboard certificate or its updated version.
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
If you are unsure of which pre-requisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.
Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Medical Care Onboard certificate, after a short exam.
5 years.
£595 excl. VAT

3 Days
The STCW Proficiency in Medical Care On-board Update (MCOBU) course is set up to cover the requirements given in Article 4(1)(b) of the Directive ‘92/29 EEC: Service as Master or the person in charge of medical care on UK-registered vessels’. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) requires that the Master and the person designated to take charge of medical care and medicines on-board to hold an MCA-approved Proficiency in Medical Care (PMC) (STCW A-VI/4 paragraph 4-6) certificate or an MCA-approved Updated Proficiency in Medical Care certificate, issued within the preceding 5 years.
This course offers delegates with the Proficiency in Medical Care certificate, or Proficiency in Medical Care Updating certificate a refresher in knowledge and skills, every five years.
The delegate understands how to participate in the coordinated provision of medical care to a person on board
The delegate can assess and provide care to an ill person on board
The delegate can assess and provide care to an injured casualty on board
Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Proficiency in Medical Care On-board Update (MCOBU) certificate, after a short exam.
Aged 16 or over.
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
Delegates must have completed the STCW Medical Care On Board (MCOB) course within five years of attainment; OR Have an STCW Medical Care On Board (MCOB) course older than 5 years and be able to prove having taken part in drills and onboard training as an officer in the last 5 years.
5 years.
£340 excl. VAT

4 Days
The STCW Medical First Aid course is set up to offer seafarers the relevant knowledge and skills to give medical first aid on board a vessel, in accordance with Regulation V1/4 of the annex to the STCW convention and section A-V1/4 (1-3) of the STCW code.
Examination of a casualty
Spinal injuries
Burns and scalds
The effects of heat and cold
Fractures, dislocation and muscular injuries
Radio medical advice
Cardiac arrest, drowning and asphyxia
- Aged 16 or over.
- Delegates must be physically capable to complete all aspects of this course and must fill in a medical self-declaration form.
- Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
- If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.
Successful candidates will be awarded with an STCW Medical First Aid certificate, after a short exam.
£400 excl. VAT