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STCW Refresher Course - 5 Course/Route 1 (PSTU + FPFFU + PSCRBU + AFFU + FRBU)
STCW Refresher Training for seafarers covering Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting (FPFFU), Personal Survival Techniques (PSTU) and Advanced Fire Fighting Update (AFFU), located at Glasgow Airport, as well as Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat (PSCRB) and Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) located at Greenock. These refresher courses are only suitable for personnel who have been at sea within the last 5 years.
STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Update Route 1 (FRBU)
The STCW Updating Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats involves both theory development and practical experience, focusing on launching and recovery using single arm davits, search and rescue and casualty recovery at sea. This STCW course forms a vital part of training for those who must lead a fast rescue boat as well as any crew on a Merchant Navy vessel who are part of the FRB crew. FRBU Route 1 course is directed to seafarers with more experience, who have taken part in FRB drills within the last 5 years.
STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Update Route 2 (FRBU)
The FRBU is vital maritime training for any FRB crew on a Merchant Navy vessel. The STCW Updating Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats involves a blend of theory and practical experience. With a focus on launching and recovery using single arm davits, search and rescue and casualty recovery at sea as well as post capsize procedures.