Webinar Courses
Stream Marine Training offer online courses via webinar. Our webinars are great for delegates looking to save on travel time and expenses. SMT's expert instructors will guide you on your course just as they would in person. See below for our webinar course options.
What is a webinar?
SMT host online training for the below courses. This means you can join in on a live class and receive online training and take part in the assessment to gain your certificate. Certificates are sent out digitally and in the mail.

1 Day Webinar
Course outcomes :
- General terms in use
- General Principles of Transverse Stability: –
- Adding, removing and shifting weights: –
- The Stability Booklet
- Stiff and tender vessels
- Use of cranes and shift of CoG
- Free Surface Effect
- Critical KG calculations (Transverse Stability)
- Inclining Test
- Deck edge Immersion
- Catamaran stability
- Risks associated with Tug and Tow
- Risks associated with deck cargoes
- Wind & Ice accretion Effects.
Successful candidates will be awarded with the MCA Stability for Workboats certificate, after a short exam.
£225 excl. VAT

3 Days Webinar
The course which has been developed in line with the current legislative framework. To enable designated personnel to take up the role of a safety officer onboard a ship, as identified in The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 (SI 1997 No. 2962) (the Regulations), which define a safety officer as ‘a person who has sufficient training and experience or knowledge and/or qualifies, to enable him/her to properly undertake the duty imposed under the relevant provision in the regulations.’
The aims of the course are to ensure that the delegates will:
- Understand the duties of the SSO
- Have considered the legal framework for safety
- Understand the relationship between the ISM code, safety management on board ship
- Have an overview of the ISM code
- Have considered the causes of accidents
- Understand the process and limitations of risk assessment
- Have considered the accident investigation process
- Understand the importance of appropriate interviewing technique
- Have considered factors influencing the effectiveness of safety committee meetings
On achievement of the desired standard of competence, a certificate can be issued by the training provider.
£600 excl. VAT
Learner shall be a minimum of 18 years old have minimum 12 months sea time and have served at sea in a merchant vessel and have a minimum of two years in the merchant navy.

2 Days Webinar
The STCW 2010 BASIC Training in Oil & Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations course is set up to offer seafarers the essential education and training in tanker cargo operations to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency (KUP) requirements set out in the specific part of the following: Table A-V/1-1-1.
Relevant symbols according to the types of oil and chemicals carried on board oil and chemical tankers
Relationship between pressure and temperature, including vapour pressure/temperature
How an electrostatic charge may be generated
Hazards associated with oil and chemical cargoes
Inerting, drying agents and monitoring techniques
Hazard controls
Gas-measuring instruments
Safety equipment and protective devices
Safe working practices and procedures
Effects of oil chemical and liquefied gas pollution on human and marine life.
Loading, unloading, care in transit, tank cleaning, purging, gas-freeing and inerting cargo
Different oil and chemical tanker types, including their general arrangement and construction
Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW 2010 BASIC Training in Oil & Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, after a short exam.
There are three outcomes to the training:
- Outcome 1: The learner knows the properties of oil and chemicals and the hazards associated with them.
- Outcome 2: The learner is able to apply health, safety and environmental precautions and measures in working on oil and chemical tankers.
- Outcome 3: The learner can carry out safe oil and chemical tanker cargo operations.
Delegates must already hold an MCA approved certificate in Tanker Fire Fighting or (FPFF or AFF inclusive of Tanker firefighting component).
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/maritime-and-coastguard-agency to check.
- Please note for this course you must have a stable internet connection with a PC, laptop that has an active camera. SMT must be able to see you at all times in order for you to sit the course, take the examination and if successful receive your certificate through the post.
- Participants are advised to have stable Internet speeds of over 5 Mbps for the best user experience.
- At least 330 kbps (send), and 245 kbps (receive) will be required for connection.
- We recommend using a desktop/laptop computer or a tablet with a large enough screen to comfortably see the presentation and follow media materials.
- If a mobile/tablet device is used make sure to have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams applications installed. The device must have a functioning web-camera and microphone.
£450 excl. VAT

0.5 Day Webinar
This course is part of the mandatory updating certification requirements under the STCW 2010 amendments for all seafarers with designated safety duties who hold an advance firefighting certificate. This course will provide the delegate with the necessary refresher training under the STCW 2010 amendments for Advance Fire Fighting.
This is a theoretical online course; and it covers a range of subjects. It deals with firefighting procedures, communication and coordination, ventilation control, fire precautions, management and control of injured persons, procedure for communicating with shore side fire fighter.
Once completed, candidates will be awarded with the MCA approved STCW Updated Proficiency in Advanced Firefighting certificate.
STCW Advanced Fire Fighting
5 years
Officers on Merchant Navy Vessels
£165 excl. VAT

1 Day Webinar
The STCW Proficiency in Crisis Management & Human Behaviour course is set up to offer masters, chief officers, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and any person that has responsibility for the safety of passengers in an emergency. This course will give delegates the knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements that is set out in the STCW code.
Shipboard emergency procedures
The optimum use of resources
A controlled response to emergencies
The control of passengers and other personnel during emergency and the establishment and maintenance of effective communications
Dealing with Crowds in emergencies and correct procedures
This course is also taught in person at our state-of-the-art facilities. If you are interested in this, please click here.
Upon completion of the course and after a short exam, you will be presented with an approved STCW Proficiency in Crisis Management & Human Behaviour certificate under Bahamas Maritime Authority.
- Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
This course is aimed at masters, chief officers, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and seafarers that have responsibility for the safety of passengers in an emergency.
- Please note for this course you must have a stable internet connection with a PC, laptop that has an active camera. SMT must be able to see you at all times in order for you to sit the course, take the examination and if successful receive your certificate through the post.
- Participants are advised to have stable Internet speeds of over 5 Mbps for the best user experience.
- At least 330 kbps (send), and 245 kbps (receive) will be required for connection.
- We recommend using a desktop/laptop computer or a tablet with a large enough screen to comfortably see the presentation and follow media materials.
- If a mobile/tablet device is used make sure to have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams applications installed. The device must have a functioning web-camera and microphone.
Bahamas Maritime Authority
£140 excl. VAT

0.5 Day Webinar
The STCW Proficiency In Crowd Management course is set up to offer crew on board vessels that deal with passengers on a regular basis. This course is taught in line with the STCW Code (2010): Regulation V/2) pa. 4 and 5 and Section A-V/2 pa. 3
Locate essential safety and emergency equipment on board.
Communicate effectively with passengers during an emergency.
Demonstrate the use of personal life-saving appliances.
Comply with the ship's safety and emergency procedures.
If you are interested in being taught this course at our facilities in Paisley rather than over webinar, please click here.
Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Proficiency In Crowd Management, after a short exam.
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/maritime-and-coastguard-agency to check.
- Please note for this course you must have a stable internet connection with a PC, laptop that has an active camera. SMT must be able to see you at all times in order for you to sit the course, take the examination and if successful receive your certificate through the post.
- Participants are advised to have stable Internet speeds of over 5 Mbps for the best user experience.
- At least 330 kbps (send), and 245 kbps (receive) will be required for connection.
- We recommend using a desktop/laptop computer or a tablet with a large enough screen to comfortably see the presentation and follow media materials.
- If a mobile/tablet device is used make sure to have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams applications installed. The device must have a functioning web-camera and microphone.
£115 excl. VAT

2 Days
The Bahamas Maritime Authority approved Online Basic Training for Service on Ships using Fuels Covered within the IGF Code intends to provide a basic training for seafarers responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or in emergency response to the fuels on board ships subject to the IGF code.
Contribute to the safe operation of a ship subject to IGF code
Take precautions to prevent hazards on a ship subject to the IGF code
Apply occupational health and safety precautions and measures
Respond to emergencies
Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment from the release of fuels found on ships subject to the IGF code
Bahamas Maritime Authority approved Certificate of Proficiency in Basic training for Service on Ships Using Fuels Covered Within the IGF code.
- The learner knows the properties of fuels covered within the IGF Code and the hazards associated with their use as a fuel.
The learner is able to apply health, safety and environmental precautions and measures in working on vessels using fuels covered within the IGF Code.
- The learner understands the transfer and storage process for fuels covered within the IGF Code.
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
Officers and ratings who are responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or in emergency response to the fuel on board ships subject to the IGF Code.
£750 excl. VAT