Stream Marine Careers are Proud to be Inspiring Young People About Careers at Sea

Stream Marine Careers (SMC) began our first intake of cadets in 2019.  Now we are pleased to announce the successes of these cadets as they are finding their place in the maritime industry and the Stream Marine Careers team are continuing to educate young people on a life at sea. Merchant Navy cadetships give a rare opportunity to travel the world while learning skills that last a lifetime.  (Read More...)

Stream Marine Careers are Proud to be Inspiring Young People About Careers at Sea2022-11-10T10:45:53+00:00

SMC’s First Cadet Gains Merchant Navy CoC

The aim of Stream Marine Careers is to provide shipping companies with the best Merchant Navy Officers, ready to sail the ships of tomorrow. Today, we are proud to announce our first Officer Cadet has passed his first Certificate of Competency (CoC), qualifying as an Engineer Officer. Andrew McCord was part of SMC’s first intake of cadets in 2019 and attended the City of Glasgow College. During his (Read More...)

SMC’s First Cadet Gains Merchant Navy CoC2022-09-13T08:47:34+00:00
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