STCW Training

STCW Training at Stream Marine Training

Working at sea requires specialised training to ensure safety and readiness. Stream Marine Training offers a range of STCW 2010 courses, including STCW Basic Safety Week (BSW) to equip maritime professionals with the knowledge and skills to succeed onboard. Browse our courses below. 


STCW Basic Training for Service on Ships using Fuels Covered within the IGF Code (BIGF)

2 Days

From £750.00

The MCA approved Basic Training for Service on Ships using Fuels Covered within the IGF Code intends to provide a basic training for seafarers responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or in emergency response to the fuels on board ships subject to the IGF code. 

  • Contribute to the safe operation of a ship subject to IGF code 

  • Take precautions to prevent hazards on a ship subject to the IGF code 

  • Apply occupational health and safety precautions and measures 

  • Respond to emergencies 

  • Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment from the release of fuels found on ships subject to the IGF code 

MCA approved STCW Certificate of Proficiency in Basic training for Service on Ships Using Fuels Covered Within the IGF code. 

  1. STCW Tanker Fire Fighting  

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

Officers and ratings who are responsible for designated safety duties associated with the care, use or in emergency response to the fuel on board ships subject to the IGF Code.

  • The learner knows the properties of fuels covered within the IGF Code and the hazards associated with their use as a fuel. 
  • The learner is able to apply health, safety and environmental precautions and measures in working on vessels using fuels covered within the IGF Code.

  • The learner understands the transfer and storage process for fuels covered within the IGF Code.

£750 excl. VAT


STCW Crisis Management and Human Behaviour (CMHB)

1 Day

From £120.00

The STCW Proficiency in Crisis Management & Human Behaviour course is set up to offer masters, chief officers, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and any person that has responsibility for the safety of passengers in an emergency. This course will give delegates the knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements for STCW crisis management that is set out in the STCW code.   

  • Shipboard emergency procedures  

  • The optimum use of resources  

  • A controlled response to emergencies  

  • The control of passengers and other personnel during emergency and the establishment and maintenance of effective communications  

  • Dealing with Crowds in emergencies and correct procedures 

This course is also available as a webinar, please click here for more information.

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 
  2. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.

Successful candidates will be awarded with the MCA approved STCW certificate with Proficiency in Crisis Management & Human Behaviour, after a short exam.

This course is aimed at masters, chief officers, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and seafarers that have responsibility for the safety of passengers in an emergency.  


£140 excl. VAT


STCW Crisis Management and Human Behaviour (CMHB) - Online via Webinar

1 Day Webinar

From £120.00

The STCW Proficiency in Crisis Management & Human Behaviour course is set up to offer masters, chief officers, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and any person that has responsibility for the safety of passengers in an emergency. This course will give delegates the knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements that is set out in the STCW code.   

  • Shipboard emergency procedures  

  • The optimum use of resources  

  • A controlled response to emergencies  

  • The control of passengers and other personnel during emergency and the establishment and maintenance of effective communications  

  • Dealing with Crowds in emergencies and correct procedures 

This course is also taught in person at our state-of-the-art facilities.  If you are interested in this, please click here. 

Upon completion of the course and after a short exam, you will be presented with an approved STCW Proficiency in Crisis Management & Human Behaviour certificate under Bahamas Maritime Authority.

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

This course is aimed at masters, chief officers, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and seafarers that have responsibility for the safety of passengers in an emergency.  

  1. Please note for this course you must have a stable internet connection with a PC, laptop that has an active camera. SMT must be able to see you at all times in order for you to sit the course, take the examination and if successful receive your certificate through the post. 
  2. Participants are advised to have stable Internet speeds of over 5 Mbps for the best user experience.
  3. At least 330 kbps (send), and 245 kbps (receive) will be required for connection.
  4. We recommend using a desktop/laptop computer or a tablet with a large enough screen to comfortably see the presentation and follow media materials.
  5. If a mobile/tablet device is used make sure to have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams applications installed. The device must have a functioning web-camera and microphone.

Bahamas Maritime Authority


£140 excl. VAT


STCW Fire Prevention and Firefighting Update (FPFFU)

1 Day

From £195.00

The STCW Fire Prevention and Firefighting Update course is set up to offer delegates who for all seafarers with designated safety duties who hold a Fire Prevention and Firefighting certificate, in order they maintain proficiency, as set out in section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code. It deals with the precautions needed to minimise the risk of fires, how fires are caused and how to extinguish them. Our new multi-story steel fire unit will be used for live fire training. 


  • Fire theory 

  • Causes of ignition 

  • Onboard safety 

  • The conditions required for fire 

  • Methods to extinguish fire 

  • The spread of fire 

  • Classes of fire 


  • Carrying out the initial actions on discovering a fire 

  • Identifying the environment 

  • Correctly using portable and mobile fire extinguishers 

  • The use of hoses, nozzles and hose equipment 

  • Extinguishing different types of fire 

  • Testing and using BA equipment 

  1. Delegates must have completed the STCW Fire Prevention and Firefighting course; OR Have an STCW Fire Prevention and Firefighting course older than 5 years and be able to prove having taken part in drills and onboard training as an officer or rating in the last 5 years.
  2. You must fill out a Medical Self Declaration form, in order to prove fitness capabilities before undergoing the course. Please consult a doctor if you are unsure. 

5 years. 

Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Fire Prevention and Firefighting Update (FPFFU) certificate, after a short exam. 

You must wear comfortable clothes, but not jeans or clothes with metal in them.

We recommend you bring a towel and toiletries.

£195 excl. VAT


STCW Medical Care on Board Ship Update (MCOBU)

3 Days

From £330.00

The STCW Proficiency in Medical Care On-board Update (MCOBU) course is set up to cover the requirements given in Article 4(1)(b) of the Directive ‘92/29 EEC: Service as Master or the person in charge of medical care on UK-registered vessels’. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) requires that the Master and the person designated to take charge of medical care and medicines on-board to hold an MCA-approved Proficiency in Medical Care (PMC) (STCW A-VI/4 paragraph 4-6) certificate or an MCA-approved Updated Proficiency in Medical Care certificate, issued within the preceding 5 years. 

This course offers delegates with the Proficiency in Medical Care certificate, or Proficiency in Medical Care Updating certificate a refresher in knowledge and skills, every five years. 

  • The delegate understands how to participate in the coordinated provision of medical care to a person on board

  • The delegate can assess and provide care to an ill person on board

  • The delegate can assess and provide care to an injured casualty on board

Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Proficiency in Medical Care On-board Update (MCOBU) certificate, after a short exam. 

  1. Aged 16 or over. 

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  2. Delegates must have completed the STCW Medical Care On Board (MCOB) course within five years of attainment; OR Have an STCW Medical Care On Board (MCOB) course older than 5 years and be able to prove having taken part in drills and onboard training as an officer in the last 5 years.

5 years.

£340  excl. VAT


STCW Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety & Hull Integrity Training For RO RO Passenger Ships (ROPAX)

1 Day

From £198.00

The STCW Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training for RO RO Passenger Ships course is set up to offer masters, chief mates, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and any other personnel who are responsible for embarking and disembarking passengers and for the safety of passengers in emergency situations. This course meets the requirements of CoP in Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity as laid down in Regulation V/2, paragraph 9 and section A-V/2 of paragraph 5 of the STCW Convention and Code as amended.

  • organise the safe movement of vehicles and passengers when embarking and disembarking 

  • control all elements of cargo safety and hull integrity 

  • monitor and control atmosphere in ro-ro cargo spaces 

  • organise shipboard emergency procedures 

  • optimise use of resources 

  • control response to emergencies 

  • control passengers and other personnel during emergency situations 

Outcome 1: The learner knows how to carry our safe loading and embarkation procedures.
Outcome 2: The learner understands the requirements for safe carriage of dangerous goods.
Outcome 3: The learner knows the requirements f or securing cargoes and knows how to use cargo-securing equipment and materials.
Outcome 4: The learner can carry our stability and stress calculations.
Outcome 5: The learner knows how to open, close and secure hull openings.
Outcome 6: The learner knows how to monitor and maintain a ro-ro deck atmosphere.

Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training for RO RO Passenger Ships, after a short exam. 

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  1. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check. 


£225 excl. VAT


STCW Polar Suvival

2.5 days

A 2.5 day approved Polar survival/Polar code course, and the first of its kind in the United Kingdom.  

We use an indoor ski centre here in Glasgow during the practical hands-on tent building exercise. This exercise on the snow utilises the equipment contained within the Personal survival Kits (PSKS), Group Survival Kits (GSKS), tents and immersion suits which are onboard. This gives the opportunity for the crew to build the tents, and use the equipment in a realistic, safe environment thus giving crews training using the same survival equipment as onboard the ships. During the last exercise we also have a medical emergency for the teams to treat whilst erecting tents. This whole exercise is also a team building which can be extremely advantageous especially for new crews.

The course has a focus on medical emergencies. 

As well as survival, the course discusses operational issues, human factor issues, firefighting capabilities, utilising the vessels’ Polar Water Operational Manual. The course also gives an explanation on the Polar Code. At present the course is open to all Officers & ratings.


STCW Polar Survival Training

Change of cloths, towel, toiletries

The whole course is structured around individuals with no experience or limited experience working within ice covered areas. 

    • Keeping safety equipment, escape routes and survival craft clear of snow and ice accumulation;
    • Instructing passengers in the use of survival equipment and the actions to take in an emergency;
    • Training the crew in the use of personal and group survival equipment; and
    • Training each crew member in the procedures and equipment described in the Polar Water Operational Manual relevant to their assigned duties

A medical declaration will be required when attending the course. The practical exercises may be physically demanding.

£750 excl. VAT


STCW Proficiency In Crowd Management (CM) - Online via Webinar

0.5 Day Webinar

From £132.00

The STCW Proficiency In Crowd Management course is set up to offer crew on board vessels that deal with passengers on a regular basis. This course is taught in line with the STCW Code (2010): Regulation V/2(&3) pa. 4, 5 & 6 and Section A-V/2(&3) pa. 1, 2 & 3.  

  • Locate essential safety and emergency equipment on board.  

  • Communicate effectively with passengers during an emergency.  

  • Demonstrate the use of personal life-saving appliances.  

  • Comply with the ship's safety and emergency procedures.  

If you are interested in being taught this course at our facilities in Paisley rather than over webinar, please click here. 

Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Proficiency In Crowd Management, after a short exam.

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  1. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check. 


  1. Please note for this course you must have a stable internet connection with a PC, laptop that has an active camera. SMT must be able to see you at all times in order for you to sit the course, take the examination and if successful receive your certificate through the post. 
  2. Participants are advised to have stable Internet speeds of over 5 Mbps for the best user experience.
  3. At least 330 kbps (send), and 245 kbps (receive) will be required for connection.
  4. We recommend using a desktop/laptop computer or a tablet with a large enough screen to comfortably see the presentation and follow media materials.
  5. If a mobile/tablet device is used make sure to have both Zoom and Microsoft Teams applications installed. The device must have a functioning web-camera and microphone.

£115 excl. VAT


STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Update Route 1 (FRBU)

0.5 Day

From £150.00

The STCW Updating Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats is a half day course designed for seafarers who are required to take charge of a fast rescue boat and crew on a Merchant Navy vessel who make up part of the FRB crew. This training is exclusively for delegates that hold an STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats certificate, within five years of issue.   

The Route 1 FRB update you must meet the prerequisites 

Not the course for you?  Try this course instead.

Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW certificate Updating Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boat, after a short exam.

5 years.

  • Swimwear and Towel
  • Please note the capsize and re-boarding exercise is a pass/fail part of the course. If you cannot board a FRB from the water unaided, we will not be able to allow you to progress further on the course.
  • Familiarisation of launch davits 

  • FRB maintenance and contingency repairs 

  • Pre-use checks of FRB and PPE

  • Briefing crew for recovery duties

  • Carry out post capsize procedures, including righting of FRB whilst swimming in appropriate equipment and then re-boarding FRB

Must have taken part in an FRB drill within last 5 years covering:

  • Launching and recovery
  • Carrying out search patterns
  • Boat handling
  • Use of communication equipment
  • Use of emergency equipment

Must have an FRB or FRBU certificate issued within last 10 years.

For crew designated for manning of a fast rescue boat.

£150 excl. VAT


STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Update Route 2 (FRBU)

1 Day

From £150.00

The STCW Updating Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats is designed for seafarers who are required to take charge of a fast rescue boat and crew on a Merchant Navy vessel who make up part of the FRB crew. This training is exclusively for delegates that hold an STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats certificate, within five years of issue.  This STCW course at Stream Marine Training is held at our state-of-the-art facilities based next to Glasgow Airport.

Not the right course for you?  Find out about FRBU Route 1 here

Delegates must have completed the STCW Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (FRB) course within five years of attainment.

Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW certificate in Updating Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boat, after a short exam.  

5 years.

  • Swimwear and Towel
  • Please note the capsize and re-boarding exercise is a pass/fail part of the course. If you cannot board a FRB from the water unaided, we will not be able to allow you to progress further on the course.
  • Fast rescue boat handling 

  • Manoeuvring at speed and capsize recovery 

  • Familiarisation of launch davits 

  • Search and rescue techniques 

  • FRB maintenance and contingency repairs 

  • Pre-use checks of FRB and PPE

  • Briefing crew for recovery duties

  • Carry out post capsize procedures, including righting of FRB whilst swimming in appropriate equipment and then re-boarding FRB

Persons designated for manning fast rescue boats.

£275 excl. VAT


STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat Update (PSCRBU) Route 1

0.5 Day

From £150.00

The STCW Updating Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat (Route 1) course is set to offer seafarer that have already attained an STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat certificate or already have the PSCRBU and need a revalidation. Once you have been awarded the PSCRBU, you must, under the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW Section A-VI/2), complete the course every five years to maintain proficiency. Delegates are required to be fit enough to undertake the practical aspects; handling inflatable rescue boats, lifeboats and life rafts. 

• Abandonment Procedures 

• Survival Craft boat Handling 

• Familiarisation of launch davits 

• Search and Rescue Techniques 

  1. Delegates must have completed the STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats (PSCRB) course within five years of attainment; OR Have an STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats  (PSCRB) course older than 5 years and be able to prove having taken part in drills and onboard training as an officer or rating in the last 5 years.

  2. Delegates must be physically fit enough to participate in all practical aspects of the course. In order to verify your fitness, you must fill in a Medical Self Declaration form. Please consult a doctor if you are unsure.

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  2. The original evidence must be brought with you when attending the course.

  3. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.

Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved  STCW Updating Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat certificate, after a short exam. 

5 years. 

Any member of crew on a vessel that has a PSCRB certificate. 

£150 excl. VAT


STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat Update (PSCRBU) Route 2

1 Day

From £225.00

The STCW Updating Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat (Route 2) course is set to offer seafarer that have already attained an STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat certificate or already have the PSCRBU and need a re-validation. Once you have been awarded the PSCRBU, you must, under the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW Section A-VI/2), complete the course every five years to maintain proficiency. Delegates are required to be fit enough to undertake the practical aspects; handling inflatable rescue boats, lifeboats and life rafts. 

• Abandonment Procedures 

• Survival Craft boat Handling 

• Familiarisation of launch davits 

• Search and Rescue Techniques 

  1. Delegates must have completed the STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats (PSCRB) course within five years of attainment

  2. Delegates must be physically fit enough to participate in all practical aspects of the course. In order to verify your fitness, you must fill in a Medical Self Declaration form. Please consult a doctor if you are unsure.

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  2. The original evidence must be brought with you when attending the course.

  3. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.

Once completed, candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Updating Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat certificate. 

5 years.

£225  excl. VAT


STCW Tanker Fire Fighting (TFF)

1 Day

From £137.00

The STCW Tanker Firefighting course is set up to offer teaching on firefighting and operations on board tankers (oil, chemical and liquefied gas). The course is required to meet that essential knowledge, understanding and proficiency requirements set out in Tables A-V/1-1-1 and A/V/1-2-1 for oil and chemical tankers and liquefied gas tanker cargo. 

  • They will be able to describe typical tanker fire response and firefighting organisation and procedures 

  • Identify the special hazards associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous and noxious liquids and liquefied gases in bulk 

  • Carry out the initial actions on discovering a fire 

  • Describe the correct firefighting agents used to extinguish oil, chemical and liquefied gas fires 

  • Describe the use of fixed deck firefighting equipment including dry powder and foam 

  • Demonstrate as a team member use of the deck foam monitor and use of a deck dry power installation 

  • Demonstrate and use portable firefighting foam equipment 

  • Describe spill containment in relation to fire fighting operations 

  1. People looking to attend this course must have completed/be in the process of completing the STCW Fire Prevention and Firefighting course or an MCA approved equivalent. 

  1. Prospective delegates must be physically capable to undergo the demanding practical aspects of the course. You must fill out a Medical Self Declaration Form before undergoing the course. Please consult a doctor if you are uncertain.

  2. Photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).  

Successful candidates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Tanker Firefighter certificate, after a short exam.  

Please wear comfortable clothes, but not jeans and not clothes with metal components.

We recommend you bring a towel and toiletries.

£125 excl. VAT


MCA Approved Engine Course 1 (AEC1)

5 Days

From £950.00

The MCA Approved Engine Course 1 is set up to offer prospective delegates with basic practical training and theory development that satisfies the requirements of the DFT Codes of Practice for the safety of small commercial, motor and sailing vessels. There are 30 hours' worth of learning over the five-day course, including dismantling marine engines and auxiliaries to obtain component exposure and create a full appreciation and understanding of the working principles. This will include basic maintenance, legislation, safety, good practice, housekeeping and reduction of fire hazards. The aim is to provide familiarisation, confidence and ability to diagnose and repair defects in operational machinery. 

  • Compression ignition engine 

  • Fuel system 

  • Air systems 

  • Cooling systems 

  • Lubrication systems 

  • Electrical systems 

  • Power transmission 

  • Hull fittings 

  • General Engineering 

  1. Must be over 18 years

  2. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  1. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check. 

Successful candidates will be awarded with the MCA Approved Engine Course 1 (AEC1) certificate, after a short exam.  

Writing material and overalls. 

£950 excl. VAT


MCA Approved Engine Course 2 (AEC2)

5 Days

From £950.00

The MCA Approved Engine Course 2 course is set up to offer delegates with theoretical knowledge and practical hands on experience of additional areas, as laid down in the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) AEC 2 syllabus. The aim is to enable them to meet the COC requirements of the new common “Small Vessel” (Yachts, Tugs, Fishing Vessels, Workboats, Standby, Seismic Survey, Oceanographic Research Vessels and Government Patrol Vessels, of less than 3000 GT and Power Less than 9,000 kW with Unlimited Area of operation.) It forms part of the required modules to enter the industry as a junior/assistant engineer, with the ability to progress through to the Small Vessel Second Engineer Officer qualification. 

When combined with AEC part 1, this unit can also be included as part of the award for an MCA’s Marine Engine Operators License (MEOL), which is the licenses required by the Chief Engineer on UK Flagged vessel of less than 750 kW operating in near coastal waters (150 miles from the nearest shore). 

  • The components and their arrangement in a compression type refrigerant plant and basic fault finding 

  • Legislative and management requirements within engineering operations 

  • Knowledge of maintenance systems on-board 

  • Knowledge of safe systems of work within an engineering environment 

  • Knowledge of safe operations when undertaking lifting and/or slinging operations: 

  • Knowledge of the electrical distribution system on-board 

  • Knowledge to maintain basic hydraulic systems 

  • Knowledge and the practical skills to undertake basic maintenance 

  • Knowledge and the practical skills to undertake basic maintenance 

  • Knowledge of the Fresh Water system onboard 

  • Knowledge of the Sewage system onboard 

  1. Minimum age 18 years old. 
  2. The candidate must have successfully completed the AEC 1 course or a recognised equivalent. It is the responsibility of the candidate to produce evidence that their equivalent qualification to AEC 1 has been accepted by the MCA as being a satisfactory equivalent. 
  3. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 
  4. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.

Successful candidates will be awarded with the MCA Approved Engine Course 2 (AEC2) certificate, after a short exam. 

You must bring a pair of overalls and suitable footwear. It may be beneficial to bring a laptop, in order to access some information given on a memory stick, however this is not essential. 


£950 excl. VAT


MCA Human Element Leadership And Management (Operational) - HELM(O)

3 Days

From £412.00

The STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Operational Level course is designed to meet the mandatory requirements for training in the human element, leadership and management at the operational level as set out in Regulations II and III of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW).  It provides delegates with awareness and understanding of the key human factors influencing effective resource management. This training is a prerequisite for a first Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued by the MCA meeting the requirements of Regulation II/1, III/1 and III/6.  


  • Situation and risk assessment: to understand the influence of a situation and risk assessment in the principles and practice of decision making at an operational level  

  • Situational awareness: how to acquire and maintain situational awareness and accidents and increasing safety margins  

  • Communication: how to recognise and apply best practice in communication, and be aware of barriers to communication and how these may adversely affect situational awareness  

  • Shipboard training: to understand the aim of shipboard training, the principles of learning and methods of developing human potential  

  • Culture: how to recognise and respond to cultural issues including cultural awareness and bias including national, organisational, departmental and personal cultural approaches  

  • Team working: to recognise team working models and conflict management style  

  • Leadership and management: to recognise and demonstrate effective leadership behaviours  

  • Workload management: understand the concept of task and workload management and be able to apply it. Recognising fatigue and stress in yourself and others, and developing strategies for dealing with them  

This course can also be taught over webinar at Stream Marine training.  Please click here to find out more. 

Anyone who is core crew on a merchant vessel. Students following an MNTB/MCA approved programme are eligible to attend this course after their first seagoing phase.


  1. Students following an MNTB/MCA approved programme are eligible to attend this course after their first seagoing phase. 

  1. Students following the experienced seafarer route to MCA certification shall meet the minimum seagoing service requirements for the issue of a first CoC. 

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  1. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check. 

Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Operational Level, after a short exam. 

£395 excl. VAT


MCA Human Element Leadership And Management (Management) - HELM (M)

5 Days

From £594.00

The STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Management Level course is set up, normally, to offer technical officers following an approved education and training programme leading to MCA certification as; Chief mate or master on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more. It is also designed for Second Engineer Officers or Chief Engineer Officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more.  

It meets the obligatory requirements relevant to bridge resource management, engine-room resource management and application of leadership and team working skills as set out in:  

Tables A-II/2 (masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more),  

Table AIII/2 (chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750kW or more) of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) incorporating the Manila amendments.  

This training is a prerequisite for a management level Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued by the MCA upon meeting the requirements of Regulation II/2 and III/2.  

  • Identifying the principles and good practice in shipboard human resource management 

  • Explaining the relevance of the ‘human element’ in shipboard operations 

  • Apply relevant and related international maritime conventions and recommendations, national regulations, codes of practice and guidelines, while using leadership and managerial skills to control the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level  

  • Apply the principles of task and workload management, including planning, co-ordination, allocation and prioritisation of human and physical resources 

  • Use project management as an aid to decision-making  

  • Explain effective resource management techniques with regard to:  

  • Allocation, assignment and prioritisation of resources for effective task and workload management  

  • Effective communications principles  

  • Leading and managing teams  

  • Assertiveness and leadership  

  • Obtaining and maintaining situational awareness  

  • Apply the principles and practice decision-making  

  • Lead and manage the development, implementation and oversight of standard operating procedures  

  • Identify the principles and good practice in shipboard training, learning, coaching, mentoring, assessment and developing shipboard personnel 

If you are interested in being taught this course online, please click here to learn more about the webinar we offer. 

To give all masters and officers the education and training in the human element leadership and management at the management level meeting the knowledge, understanding and proficiency (KUP) requirements set out in the following:

Table A-II/2 (masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more)

Table AIII/2 (chief engineers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750kW or more.

  1. Delegates must hold a deck or engineering Certificate of Competency at the operational level and meet the minimum seagoing service requirements for the issue of a management level CoC. 

  1. Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book). 

  1. If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check. 

Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Management Level, after a short exam. This will qualify individuals to ‘use leadership and management skills’ set out in Tables A-II/2 and A-III/2 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978, as amended (2010). 


£595 excl. VAT