
1 day
The OPITO-approved Further Offshore Emergency Training programme with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) and Emergency Breathing System (EBS) is a 1-day course which must be undertaken by individuals who have a valid BOSIET, TBOSIET, FOET or TFOET certificate. The FOET certificate re-validates a delegate’s offshore emergency training for a further 4 years.
Where delegates successfully meet the Learning Outcomes of the course, they will be issued with an OPITO Approved Certificates CAEBS and EBS which is valid for 4 years.
- Helicopter Safety and Escape
- Firefighting and Self-rescue
- Emergency First Aid
The FOET (with CA-EBS) and (EBS) is open to persons who have a valid (in-date) OPITO-approved BOSIET (with CA-EBS) and BOSIET (with EBS), TBOSIET, FOET (with CA-EBS) and FOET (with EBS) or TFOET certificate.
OPITO-approved training centres are required to ensure that prior to participating in in-water CA-EBS practical exercises the learner: Please see prerequisites below
a) Possesses a valid, unexpired Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) offshore medical certificate confirming the learner’s fitness for offshore work* OR possesses a valid, unexpired offshore medical certificate issued by a body outside of the UK which is recognised as equivalent to the OGUK medical certificate of fitness for offshore work* OR possesses a valid, unexpired, medical certificate of fitness to work at sea*, AND
b) Possesses a certificate of fitness to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training issued by a registered OGUK examining doctor*, OR, where the medical fitness certificate for work at sea includes a restriction or is subject to conditions, possesses a statement from an appropriately registered practitioner that the restriction or condition does not result from a respiratory or ENT condition and there is no absolute contraindication to the shallow water learner’s participation in the training*, AND
c) On the date on which the learner is to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training, and prior to entering the water in which the training takes place, the learner gives to the OPITO-approved Centre a statement, that to the best of the learner’s knowledge and belief, the learner has no (current or past) medical condition which makes the learner unfit to participate in the training. Learners must not participate in Additional CA-EBS Training (In-Water) practical exercises if they are unable to meet the requirements of a) b) and c) above.
4 years
Anyone continuing employment offshore
Price On Request

1 Day On Site Course
This training is intended to meet the requirements set out in The Merchant Shipping (Entry into Dangerous Spaces) Regulations 1988 (SI 1988 No. 1638) (the Regulations), IMO Resolution A.864 (20) Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces aboard ships (adopted on 27th November 1997) and the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen (COSWP).
Course Outcomes:
- Recognise potential dangerous enclosed spaces aboard a vessel
- Complete a typical enclosed space entry Permit to Work
- Carry out the safe testing of an atmosphere prior to enclosed space entry using typical industry test equipment, including knowledge of it’s maintenance and testing/calibration requirements.
- Carry out a safe enclosed space entry
- Carry out a self rescue from an enclosed space
- Carry out safety attendant role
£195 excl. VAT

5 Day On Site Course
Stream Marine Training provides approved training packages for those interested in a career within the renewables industry. We offer a Basic Safety Training week for those beginning their careers in this sector. If you are already working in the offshore/onshore industry, we can offer training to advance in your career. Our Basic Safety Training course is made up of:
Day 1 & 2 Monday & Tuesday - Working at Height & Manual Handling Combined
Day 3 Wednesday - Sea Survival (for offshore personnel)
Day 4 Thursday - First Aid
Day 5 Friday - Fire Fighting
To book these courses individually, please call our bookings office on 0141 212 8777 to arrange a suitable date.
The Global Wind Organisation requires certificates to be updated every 2 years, so refresher training courses are also offered below, in line with the certification body regulations. To book refresher training at SMT, please also call our bookings office on 0141 212 8777 to arrange a suitable date.
- First Aid
- Manual Handling
- Fire Awareness
- Working at Heights
- Sea Survival
2 years
Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
- GWO BST Fire Awareness
- GWO BST Manual Handling
- GWO BST Working at Height
- GWO BST Sea Survival
- GWO BST First aid
£462.50 excl. VAT

3.5 days
The approved GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher (BSTR) refreshes, reviews and builds on Delegates existing skills and tools obtained during BST courses, which include Fire Awareness, First Aid, Working at Heights and Manual Handling. To enable Delegates to work in the offshore environment, an additional GWO Sea Survival training shall be completed.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
- GWO BSTR Manual Handling Refresher
- GWO BSTR Fire Awareness Refresher
- GWO BSTR Sea Survival Refresher
- GWO BSTR Working at Height Refresher
- GWO BSTR First Aid Refresher
- First Aid
- Manual Handling
- Working at Height
- Sea Survival
- Fire Awareness
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the all 5 safety training modules prior to attending BSTR training.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
2 years
People continuing a career in the offshore renewables industry
£380 excl. VAT

0.5 day
The aim of this course is to give the delegates the basic knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training.
Delegates should be able to prevent fires, make appropriate judgements when evaluating a fire, manage evacuation of personnel and ensure all are safely accounted for in the event of an unmanageable fire. If the incident is judged to be safe, the delegates should be able to efficiently extinguish an initial fire by using basic hand held firefighting equipment.
GWO Fire Awareness (FA)
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the development and spread of fire
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the causes of fires in wind turbines and the related dangers
- The Delegates are able to identify any sign of a fire in a wind turbine environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the contingency plans in a wind turbine environment, including smoke detection and emergency escape procedures
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct actions for discovering a fire including correct use and fire extinguishing using firefighting equipment in a WTG
2 years
Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£50 excl. VAT

0.5 Day
The aim of this course is to give the delegates the basic knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training.
Delegates should be able to prevent fires, make appropriate judgements when evaluating a fire, manage evacuation of personnel and ensure all are safely accounted for in the event of an unmanageable fire. If the incident is judged to be safe, the delegates should be able to efficiently extinguish an initial fire by using basic hand held firefighting equipment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
GWO Fire Awareness Refresher (FAWR)
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the development and spread of fire
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the causes of fires in wind turbines and the related dangers
- The Delegates are able to identify any sign of a fire in a wind turbine environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the contingency plans in a wind turbine environment, including smoke detection and emergency escape procedures
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct actions for discovering a fire including correct use and fire extinguishing using firefighting equipment in a WTG
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the Fire Awareness prior to attending BSTR training.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
2 Years
Persons continuing a career in the offshore wind and renewables industry
£50 excl. VAT

1 day
The aim of this BST Module is to enable delegates to administer safe and effective First Aid in the wind turbine industry/ WTG environment, in accordance with GWO First Aid training through theoretical and practical training.
Furthermore, this training will enable the delegate to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED).
GWO BST First Aid
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out First Aid in a safe and sound manner, in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location and according to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) hereunder the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines
- The Delegates are able to identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding and correct order of management in an emergency situation in a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the Primary Survey “C” -A - B – C including the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the Secondary Survey
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of Primary and Secondary Survey including the use of First Aid equipment in a First Aid scenario
2 years
Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry.
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£97.50 excl. VAT

1 day
The aim of this BSTR First Aid Module is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills from BST First Aid through theoretical and practical training so that Delegates can administer safe and effective First Aid, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the wind industry / WTG environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for First Aid prior to attending BSTR training.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
2 years
People continuing a career in the offshore wind and Renewables industry
GWO BSTR First Aid Refresher
Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of safely and correctly carrying out First Aid in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location and according to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) e.g. European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines
Delegates are able to identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body
Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding and correct order of management in emergency situations in a wind turbine work environment
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the Primary and Secondary Survey (“C”-A-B-C-D-E)
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of First Aid equipment in First Aid scenarios
£70 excl. VAT

0.5 Day
The aim of this Module is to encourage positive Manual Handling and ergonomic behaviour, encourage delegates to consider alternatives to manual handling through planning and to train delegates ability to perform Manual Handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry/environment.
GWO BST Manual Handling
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate a problem-solving approach to Manual Handling in a wind turbine environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate Manual Handling risk reduction techniques
- The Delegates are able to identify aspects of their job tasks that could increase their risk of developing muscular/ skeletal injuries
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out work duties in a safe and sound manner in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic work location
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of safe practises of Manual Handling, including the correct handling of equipment
- The Delegates are able to identify signs and symptoms of injuries related to poor Manual Handling techniques and have knowledge of reporting methods
2 years
Persons preparing for work in the offshore renewables industry.
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£40 excl. VAT

0.5 day
The aim of this Module is to encourage positive Manual Handling and ergonomic behaviour, encourage delegates to consider alternatives to manual handling through planning and to train delegates ability to perform Manual Handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry/environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
GWO BSTR Manual Handling Refresher
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate a problem-solving approach to Manual Handling in a wind turbine environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate Manual Handling risk reduction techniques
- The Delegates are able to identify aspects of their job tasks that could increase their risk of developing muscular/ skeletal injuries
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out work duties in a safe and sound manner in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic work location
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of safe practises of Manual Handling, including the correct handling of equipment
- The Delegates are able to identify signs and symptoms of injuries related to poor Manual Handling techniques and have knowledge of reporting methods
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
- Valid GWO BST/BSTR Manual Handling certificate or Winda record.
2 years
Persons continuing a career in the offshore wind or renewables industry
£76 excl. VAT

1 day
The aims of this BST Sea Survival course are, by theoretical and practical training to give the participants the basic knowledge and skills to act safely and take the correct preventive actions in all aspects of offshore operations from shore to installation vessel or WTG and vice versa, both during normal operation and in an emergency in an offshore wind energy environment.
GWO BST Sea Survival
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed awareness of the site organisation and relevant legislation to ensure that the candidates are aware of the roles, responsibilities and rules that apply to offshore wind farms.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge to understand the importance of correct clothing and conduct in an offshore wind farm environment. Further to enable skills of detecting and treating stages of cold shock, hypothermia and drowning related to exposures to the human body in an offshore wind environment.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge and skills to recognise the advantages and limitations of personal LSA and PPE and usage in a correct and safe manner.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge related to GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems) and SAR (Search and Rescue).
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed skills individually and collective to enhance the chance of survival in an emergency at sea.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge to recognise the hazards and risks of transfer and take the correct preventive measures into account by following procedures and use the available LSA and PPE in a correct and safe manner.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge to ensure safe conduct on installations, vessels and WTG´s during normal operations and in case of emergencies and evacuation.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed skills to conduct safe transfer of themselves and equipment between dock and vessel and WTG and vessel. Furthermore, to give the Delegates skills to assist in MOB situations.
- The Delegates can reflect on and process their learning outcome and key takeaways from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to his/her way of work.
Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry
2 years
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£150 excl. VAT

1 day
The aims of this BST Sea Survival course are, by theoretical and practical training to give the participants the basic knowledge and skills to act safely and take the correct preventive actions in all aspects of offshore operations from shore to installation vessel or WTG and vice versa, both during normal operation and in an emergency in an offshore wind energy environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
GWO BSTR Sea Survival Refresher
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed awareness of the site organisation and relevant legislation to ensure that the candidates are aware of the roles, responsibilities and rules that apply to offshore wind farms.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge to understand the importance of correct clothing and conduct in an offshore wind farm environment. Further to enable skills of detecting and treating stages of cold shock, hypothermia and drowning related to exposures to the human body in an offshore wind environment.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge and skills to recognise the advantages and limitations of personal LSA and PPE and usage in a correct and safe manner.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge related to GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems) and SAR (Search and Rescue).
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed skills individually and collective to enhance the chance of survival in an emergency at sea.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge to recognise the hazards and risks of transfer and take the correct preventive measures into account by following procedures and use the available LSA and PPE in a correct and safe manner.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed knowledge to ensure safe conduct on installations, vessels and WTG´s during normal operations and in case of emergencies and evacuation.
- The Delegates can demonstrate the needed skills to conduct safe transfer of themselves and equipment between dock and vessel and WTG and vessel. Furthermore, to give the Delegates skills to assist in MOB situations.
- The Delegates can reflect on and process their learning outcome and key takeaways from the module, aiming to achieve a high learning transfer from the module to his/her way of work.
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
- GWO BST or BSTR certificate or WINDA training Record
2 years
Personnel continuing a career in the offshore wind and renewables industry
£150 excl. VAT

2 days
The aim of this module is to qualify the participants, through theoretical and practical training, to use basic personal protective equipment and perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights in a remote wind turbine environment.
GWO BST Working at Height
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks associated with working at height specific to a wind turbine generator (WTG)
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of current national and regional legislation regarding working at heights
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct identification of PPE, including identification of Global and regional standard markings e.g. harness, hard hat, lanyards, etc.
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to correctly perform pre-use inspection, service, store and correctly fit relevant PPE, e.g. harness, fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arrest lanyards and work positioning lanyards
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arresters and work positioning lanyards. This includes correct identification of anchor points and correct conduct on ladder
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of evacuation devices
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently
2 years
Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£170 excl. VAT

2 days
The aim of this module is to qualify the delegates, through theoretical and practical training, to use basic personal protective equipment and perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights. Furthermore, to encourage positive manual handling and ergonomic behaviour, encourage delegates to consider alternatives to manual handling through planning and to train delegates ability to perform Manual Handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry/environment.
- GWO BST Manual Handling
- GWO BST Working at Height
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks associated with working at height specific to a wind turbine generator (WTG)
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of current national and regional legislation regarding Working at Heights
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct identification of PPE, including identification of European/Global standard markings e.g. harness, hard hat, lanyards, etc.
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to correctly perform pre-use inspection, service, store and correctly fit relevant PPE, e.g. harness, fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arrest devices and work positioning lanyards
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arresters and work positioning lanyards. This includes correct identification of anchor points and correct conduct on ladder
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of evacuation devices
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate a problem-solving approach to Manual Handling in a wind turbine environment
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate Manual Handling risk reduction techniques
- The Delegates are able to identify aspects of their job tasks that could increase their risk of developing muscular/ skeletal injuries
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out work duties in a safe and sound manner in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic work location
- The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of safe practices of Manual Handling, including the correct handling of equipment
- The Delegates are able to identify signs and symptoms of injuries related to poor Manual Handling techniques and have knowledge of reporting methods
2 years
Persons preparing to work in the offshore renewables industry
- All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
- The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£202.50 excl. VAT

1 day
The aim of this module is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training so that delegates can use basic personal protective equipment and perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights. Furthermore, to encourage positive manual handling and ergonomic behaviour, encourage delegates to consider alternatives to manual handling through planning and to train delegates ability to perform Manual Handling tasks in a safe manner in the wind turbine industry/environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
- GWO BSTR Working at Height Refresher
- GWO BSTR Manual Handling Refresher
Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks associated with Working at Heights in a WTG.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct identification of PPE, including identification of European / Global Standard markings on harness, hard hats, lanyards and other PPE.
Delegates are able to demonstrate the knowledge of and skills to correctly pre-use inspect, service, store and correct fitting of harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, work positioning lanyards and other PPE.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arresters and work positioning lanyards. These include correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of evacuation devices.
Delegates are able to demonstrate how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently
The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out work duties in a safe and sound manner in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic work location
Delegates are able to identify aspects of their job tasks that could increase their risk of developing muscular/ skeletal injuries
The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of safe practices of Manual Handling, including the correct handling of equipment
The Delegates are able to identify signs and symptoms of injuries related to poor Manual Handling techniques and have knowledge of reporting methods
The Delegates are able to demonstrate a problem-solving approach to Manual Handling in a wind turbine environment
The Delegates are able to demonstrate Manual Handling risk reduction techniques
2 years
People continuing a career in the offshore wind and renewables industry
All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
Furthermore, Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for Working at height and Manual Handling prior to attending BSTR training.
The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
£220 excl. VAT

1 day
The aim of this BSTR Working at Heights Module is to review and build on previously gained knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training so that Delegates can use basic personal protective equipment and perform safe work at heights and safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights in the wind turbine industry/ WTG environment.
A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.
GWO BSTR Working at Height Refresher
Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of hazards and risks associated with working at heights in a WTG.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct identification of PPE, including identification of European/ Global Standard markings on harness, hard hats, lanyards and other PPE.
Delegates are able to demonstrate the knowledge of and skills to correctly pre-use inspect, service, store and correct fitting of harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, work positioning lanyards and other PPE.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the relevant PPE, e.g. harnesses, fall arrest lanyards, guided type fall arresters and work positioning lanyards. These include correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of evacuation devices.
Delegates are able to demonstrate how to approach rescue situations in WTGs and use rescue equipment efficiently.
All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the Working at Height prior to attending BSTR training.
The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
2 years
People continuing a career in the offshore wind or renewables industry.
£170 excl. VAT

5 Days
The MCA Approved Engine Course 1 is set up to offer prospective delegates with basic practical training and theory development that satisfies the requirements of the DFT Codes of Practice for the safety of small commercial, motor and sailing vessels. There are 30 hours' worth of learning over the five-day course, including dismantling marine engines and auxiliaries to obtain component exposure and create a full appreciation and understanding of the working principles. This will include basic maintenance, legislation, safety, good practice, housekeeping and reduction of fire hazards. The aim is to provide familiarisation, confidence and ability to diagnose and repair defects in operational machinery.
Compression ignition engine
Fuel system
Air systems
Cooling systems
Lubrication systems
Electrical systems
Power transmission
Hull fittings
General Engineering
Must be over 18 years
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
- If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.
Successful candidates will be awarded with the MCA Approved Engine Course 1 (AEC1) certificate, after a short exam.
Writing material and overalls.
£950 excl. VAT

5 Days
The MCA Approved Engine Course 2 course is set up to offer delegates with theoretical knowledge and practical hands on experience of additional areas, as laid down in the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) AEC 2 syllabus. The aim is to enable them to meet the COC requirements of the new common “Small Vessel” (Yachts, Tugs, Fishing Vessels, Workboats, Standby, Seismic Survey, Oceanographic Research Vessels and Government Patrol Vessels, of less than 3000 GT and Power Less than 9,000 kW with Unlimited Area of operation.) It forms part of the required modules to enter the industry as a junior/assistant engineer, with the ability to progress through to the Small Vessel Second Engineer Officer qualification.
When combined with AEC part 1, this unit can also be included as part of the award for an MCA’s Marine Engine Operators License (MEOL), which is the licenses required by the Chief Engineer on UK Flagged vessel of less than 750 kW operating in near coastal waters (150 miles from the nearest shore).
The components and their arrangement in a compression type refrigerant plant and basic fault finding
Legislative and management requirements within engineering operations
Knowledge of maintenance systems on-board
Knowledge of safe systems of work within an engineering environment
Knowledge of safe operations when undertaking lifting and/or slinging operations:
Knowledge of the electrical distribution system on-board
Knowledge to maintain basic hydraulic systems
Knowledge and the practical skills to undertake basic maintenance
Knowledge and the practical skills to undertake basic maintenance
Knowledge of the Fresh Water system onboard
Knowledge of the Sewage system onboard
- Minimum age 18 years old.
- The candidate must have successfully completed the AEC 1 course or a recognised equivalent. It is the responsibility of the candidate to produce evidence that their equivalent qualification to AEC 1 has been accepted by the MCA as being a satisfactory equivalent.
- Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
- If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.
Successful candidates will be awarded with the MCA Approved Engine Course 2 (AEC2) certificate, after a short exam.
You must bring a pair of overalls and suitable footwear. It may be beneficial to bring a laptop, in order to access some information given on a memory stick, however this is not essential.
£950 excl. VAT

5 Days
The STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Management Level course is set up, normally, to offer technical officers following an approved education and training programme leading to MCA certification as; Chief mate or master on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more. It is also designed for Second Engineer Officers or Chief Engineer Officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power or more.
It meets the obligatory requirements relevant to bridge resource management, engine-room resource management and application of leadership and team working skills as set out in:
Tables A-II/2 (masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more),
Table AIII/2 (chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750kW or more) of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) incorporating the Manila amendments.
This training is a prerequisite for a management level Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued by the MCA upon meeting the requirements of Regulation II/2 and III/2.
Identifying the principles and good practice in shipboard human resource management
Explaining the relevance of the ‘human element’ in shipboard operations
Apply relevant and related international maritime conventions and recommendations, national regulations, codes of practice and guidelines, while using leadership and managerial skills to control the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level
Apply the principles of task and workload management, including planning, co-ordination, allocation and prioritisation of human and physical resources
Use project management as an aid to decision-making
Explain effective resource management techniques with regard to:
Allocation, assignment and prioritisation of resources for effective task and workload management
Effective communications principles
Leading and managing teams
Assertiveness and leadership
Obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
Apply the principles and practice decision-making
Lead and manage the development, implementation and oversight of standard operating procedures
Identify the principles and good practice in shipboard training, learning, coaching, mentoring, assessment and developing shipboard personnel
If you are interested in being taught this course online, please click here to learn more about the webinar we offer.
To give all masters and officers the education and training in the human element leadership and management at the management level meeting the knowledge, understanding and proficiency (KUP) requirements set out in the following:
Table A-II/2 (masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more)
Table AIII/2 (chief engineers and second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750kW or more.
Delegates must hold a deck or engineering Certificate of Competency at the operational level and meet the minimum seagoing service requirements for the issue of a management level CoC.
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.
Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Management Level, after a short exam. This will qualify individuals to ‘use leadership and management skills’ set out in Tables A-II/2 and A-III/2 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978, as amended (2010).
£595 excl. VAT

3 Days
The STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Operational Level course is designed to meet the mandatory requirements for training in the human element, leadership and management at the operational level as set out in Regulations II and III of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). It provides delegates with awareness and understanding of the key human factors influencing effective resource management. This training is a prerequisite for a first Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued by the MCA meeting the requirements of Regulation II/1, III/1 and III/6.
Situation and risk assessment: to understand the influence of a situation and risk assessment in the principles and practice of decision making at an operational level
Situational awareness: how to acquire and maintain situational awareness and accidents and increasing safety margins
Communication: how to recognise and apply best practice in communication, and be aware of barriers to communication and how these may adversely affect situational awareness
Shipboard training: to understand the aim of shipboard training, the principles of learning and methods of developing human potential
Culture: how to recognise and respond to cultural issues including cultural awareness and bias including national, organisational, departmental and personal cultural approaches
Team working: to recognise team working models and conflict management style
Leadership and management: to recognise and demonstrate effective leadership behaviours
Workload management: understand the concept of task and workload management and be able to apply it. Recognising fatigue and stress in yourself and others, and developing strategies for dealing with them
This course can also be taught over webinar at Stream Marine training. Please click here to find out more.
Anyone who is core crew on a merchant vessel. Students following an MNTB/MCA approved programme are eligible to attend this course after their first seagoing phase.
Students following an MNTB/MCA approved programme are eligible to attend this course after their first seagoing phase.
Students following the experienced seafarer route to MCA certification shall meet the minimum seagoing service requirements for the issue of a first CoC.
Photographic ID (A Government issued, photographic proof of identity on the day of the course and this should take the form of either a valid Passport or a driving license or a valid discharge book).
If you are unsure of which prerequisites you may need for a course, please go to to check.
Successful delegates will be awarded with an MCA approved STCW Human Element Leadership & Management – Operational Level, after a short exam.
£395 excl. VAT