


5 Days Webinar

This is a real time, high fidelity cargo simulator training program, starting with the basics and working through to high complexity cargo operations and emergency response.

Part of the training will be from a watch officer level, and part from a command level. a third officer will need to understand what the decision making process of the chief officer is, and the pressures and challenges faced by the command.

£2000 excl. VAT



5 Days Webinar

This is a real time, high fidelity cargo simulator training program, starting with the basics and working through to high complexity cargo operations and emergency response.

Part of the training will be from a watch officer level, and part from a command level. a third officer will need to understand what the decision making process of the chief officer is, and the pressures and challenges faced by the command.

£2000 excl. VAT

SMT LICOS (Oil/Chemical)

5 Days Webinar

This is a real time, high fidelity cargo simulator training program, starting with the basics and working through to high complexity cargo operations and emergency response.

Part of the training will be from a watch officer level, and part from a command level. a third officer will need to understand what the decision making process of the chief officer is, and the pressures and challenges faced by the command.




£2000 excl. VAT

SMT LNG/LPG Operational Aspects Training

2 Days Webinar

  • Properties of gases and liquified gases
  • Dangers of LNG, LPG and chemical gases
  • Gas detection
  • Cargo compatibility
  • IGC code requirements
  • Tank types
  • Cargo equipment
  • Cargo operations
  • Ship-shore interface
  • Fire fighting systems
  • Pollution control
  • Emergency response
  • Control of Work

£400 excl. VAT


SMT Marine Evacuation System (MES)

1 Day

Familiarisation in Marine Evacuation encompassing the following elements:

  • Lifesaving Equipment
  • Release Systems
  • Deployment of Survitec Zodiac MES MIS
  • Additional Rafts
  • Completion of Evacuation
  • Means of Rescue (MOR)
  • Other Types of System

Once completed, candidates will be awarded with the SMT Marine Evacuation System Certificate.


£140 excl. VAT

SMT Marine Rescue Training

2 days

This is a rescue boat and marine rescue course for emergency response teams using small rescue boats. It will look at The use of the boats and rescue of the casualty.

• Launch & Recovery
• Off load hooks/release mechanism
• Slow speed boat handling
• Holding position
• Outboard Engine Failure
• Communication
• Man overboard
• First Aid/Casualty recovery
• Boat Handling in prevailing weather
• Capsize procedures

Stream Marine Training

SMT Marine Rescue Training

Small vessels, such as shipyard and similar facilities, and close coastal rescue boat courses.



£175 excl. VAT


SMT Mooring Operations and Safety

1 Day

The mooring operations course covers all aspects of safe mooring operations, focusing on the essential safety requirements to ensure all crew and mooring gangs are safe.

As ships get larger and the strains on mooring equipment become greater, this is an excellent choice for CPD and safety awareness.

The mooring operations course is aimed at people, whether at sea or shoreside, who will be working in a mooring operations environment.

The core topics of the mooring operations course are:
• Typical forward and aft mooring stations*
• Mooring and safety hazards
• Mooring signals
• Mooring ropes and heaving lines
• Mooring and unmooring*
• Communications
• Mooring Boats
• Damage
• Winches*
• Snapback zones
*Can be tailored to the specific company or vessel

Stream Marine Training

SMT Certificate of Mooring Safety and Operations Training

£140 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Crude Oil Washing (COW)

1 Day Webinar

In accordance with: - 

IMO Resolution A.897(21) – Amendments to the Revised Specifications for the Design, Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems (Resolution A.446(XI) as Amended by Resolution A.497(XII)) – (Adopted on 25 November 1999)

  • Crude oil washing requirement
  • Inerting requirements and monitoring
  • Siphoning and washing procedures.
  • Slop control
  • Hazards
  • Tank washing equipment
  • Piping and pumping arrangements
  • Training and personnel
  • Final Inspection
  • Emergency response and pollution control

£250 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Gas and Atmosphere Operation

1 Day Webinar

  • Flammability
  • Electrostatic hazards
  • Inerting
  • Padding
  • Purging
  • Pigging
  • Gas Freeing
  • Modern and traditional gas measurement
  • Inhibitors
  • Liquid pads
  • Vapour return/Vapour Balance

£275 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Inert Gas Systems (IGS)

1 Day Webinar

  • Flue Gas
  • IGS
  • Nitrogen
  • Argon Plants
  • Portable bottles

For each of these we will look at: -

  • The securing/stowage and location of the equipment
  • The construction, design and limitations of the equipment
  • The commercial use of the equipment
  • The hazards of the equipment
  • The Operation and maintenance of the equipment
  • Emergency response and pollution control

£250 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

0.5 Day Webinar

  • The vessel and sources of pollutants
  • The hazards of these pollutants
  • Control measures for these pollutants
  • Incident investigation and reporting
  • In port and in water compliance with NPDES.

£200 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Ship-Shore Interface and ISGOTT

1 Day Webinar

  • The nature of the ship-shore interface
  • The PIC 
  • Interested parties
  • The Ship-shore safety checklist
  • Emergency response and pollution control
  • Incident reporting
  • Non-conformities and reporting

£250 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - VOC Management

0.5 Day Webinar

MARPOL annex VI requires VOC training for officers involved in cargo operation on tankers. We will look at: -

  • Hazards of VOC, and environmental damage
  • Procedures and arrangements
  • Equipment onboard
  • VOC releases, and how to minimise them
  • Reporting
  • VOC Management Plan
  • Roles and responsibilities on board

£200 excl. VAT

SMT Tanker Inspections and Vettings

5 days

This is a look at vettings, looking in detail at the VIQs and similar standards, but also expanding much more into the negotiation and communication of the Opening and Closing meeting.

Senior Officers, though it may be interesting and useful for shore personnel.

  • Need For Inspections and Vettings
  • Port State control
  • SIRE
  • CDI
  • VIQs
  • Preparing for an Inspection
  • Conduct of an Inspection
  • Opening meeting
  • Discussion and finalising the report
  • Closing meeting
  • Responses after report submission
  • Appeal and Grievance.

SMT Tanker Inspections and Vettings

£650 excl. VAT

SMT Working at Height and Rescue

1 Day

From £165.00

Learners will develop a basic awareness of working at height, focusing on key principles such as: safety considerations, legal obligations, hierarchy of control measures, reporting procedures for defective equipment and much more. 

SMT Working at Height and Rescue

Stream Marine Training

  • Understand legislation, regulation, roles and responsibilities when working at height
  • Understand safe working practices when working at height
  • Understand the types of equipment and testing requirements associated with working at height
  • Rescue at Height basics

£195 excl. VAT


GWO Basic Safety Training (BST)

5 Day On Site Course

From £590.00

Stream Marine Training provides approved training packages for those interested in a career within the renewables industry. We offer a Basic Safety Training week for those beginning their careers in this sector. If you are already working in the offshore/onshore industry, we can offer training to advance in your career. Our Basic Safety Training course is made up of:

Day 1 & 2 Monday & Tuesday - Working at Height & Manual Handling Combined

Day 3 Wednesday - Sea Survival (for offshore personnel)

Day 4 Thursday - First Aid

Day 5 Friday - Fire Fighting


To book these courses individually, please call our bookings office on 0141 212 8777 to arrange a suitable date.

The Global Wind Organisation requires certificates to be updated every 2 years, so refresher training courses are also offered below, in line with the certification body regulations.  To book refresher training at SMT, please also call our bookings office on 0141 212 8777 to arrange a suitable date.

  • First Aid
  • Manual Handling
  • Fire Awareness
  • Working at Heights
  • Sea Survival

2 years

Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry

  • The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.
  • GWO BST Fire Awareness
  • GWO BST Manual Handling
  • GWO BST Working at Height
  • GWO BST Sea Survival
  • GWO BST First aid

£462.50 excl. VAT


GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher (BSTR)

3.5 days

From £469.00

The approved GWO Basic Safety Training Refresher (BSTR) refreshes, reviews and builds on Delegates existing skills and tools obtained during BST courses, which include Fire Awareness, First Aid, Working at Heights and Manual Handling. To enable Delegates to work in the offshore environment, an additional GWO Sea Survival training shall be completed.

A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.

  • GWO BSTR Manual Handling Refresher
  • GWO BSTR Fire Awareness Refresher
  • GWO BSTR Sea Survival Refresher
  • GWO BSTR Working at Height Refresher
  • GWO BSTR First Aid Refresher
  • First Aid
  • Manual Handling
  • Working at Height
  • Sea Survival
  • Fire Awareness
  • All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
  • Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the all 5 safety training modules prior to attending BSTR training.
  • The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.

2 years

People continuing a career in the offshore renewables industry

£380 excl. VAT


GWO Fire Awareness (FAW)

0.5 day

From £70.00

The aim of this course is to give the delegates the basic knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training.
Delegates should be able to prevent fires, make appropriate judgements when evaluating a fire, manage evacuation of personnel and ensure all are safely accounted for in the event of an unmanageable fire. If the incident is judged to be safe, the delegates should be able to efficiently extinguish an initial fire by using basic hand held firefighting equipment.

GWO Fire Awareness (FA)

  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the development and spread of fire
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the causes of fires in wind turbines and the related dangers
  • The Delegates are able to identify any sign of a fire in a wind turbine environment
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the contingency plans in a wind turbine environment, including smoke detection and emergency escape procedures
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct actions for discovering a fire including correct use and fire extinguishing using firefighting equipment in a WTG 

2 years

Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry

  • All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
  • The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.


£50 excl. VAT


GWO Fire Awareness Refresher (FAWR)

0.5 Day

From £70.00

The aim of this course is to give the delegates the basic knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training.
Delegates should be able to prevent fires, make appropriate judgements when evaluating a fire, manage evacuation of personnel and ensure all are safely accounted for in the event of an unmanageable fire. If the incident is judged to be safe, the delegates should be able to efficiently extinguish an initial fire by using basic hand held firefighting equipment.

A participant is only allowed to attend a refresher course in the specific training module prior to the date of expiry on the current certificate or training records. If a certificate or training record is expired, the participant must attend the full Basic Safety Module(s) Training(s) to obtain a new training record.

GWO Fire Awareness Refresher (FAWR)

  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the development and spread of fire
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the causes of fires in wind turbines and the related dangers
  • The Delegates are able to identify any sign of a fire in a wind turbine environment
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate knowledge of the contingency plans in a wind turbine environment, including smoke detection and emergency escape procedures
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct actions for discovering a fire including correct use and fire extinguishing using firefighting equipment in a WTG 
  • All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
  • Delegates shall possess valid BST/ BSTR certificates or training records in WINDA for the Fire Awareness prior to attending BSTR training.
  • The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.

2 Years

Persons continuing a career in the offshore wind and renewables industry


£50 excl. VAT


GWO First Aid (FA)

1 day

From £120.00

The aim of this BST Module is to enable delegates to administer safe and effective First Aid in the wind turbine industry/ WTG environment, in accordance with GWO First Aid training through theoretical and practical training.
Furthermore, this training will enable the delegate to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

GWO BST First Aid

  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of carrying out First Aid in a safe and sound manner, in accordance with the legislative requirements of their geographic location and according to the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) hereunder the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines
  • The Delegates are able to identify and explain normal function, normal signs and symptoms of injuries and illness related to the human body
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate understanding and correct order of management in an emergency situation in a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) environment
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of lifesaving First Aid using the Primary Survey “C” -A - B – C including the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of the Secondary Survey
  • The Delegates are able to demonstrate correct use of Primary and Secondary Survey including the use of First Aid equipment in a First Aid scenario 

2 years

Persons preparing for a career in the offshore renewables industry.

  • All personnel participating in Refresher Training shall be medically fit and capable of fully participating.
  • The Delegates shall also have a personal Delegate profile in WINDA and provide their own WINDA ID prior to completing the BST training.

£97.50 excl. VAT