


5 Days Webinar

This is a real time, high fidelity cargo simulator training program, starting with the basics and working through to high complexity cargo operations and emergency response.

Part of the training will be from a watch officer level, and part from a command level. a third officer will need to understand what the decision making process of the chief officer is, and the pressures and challenges faced by the command.

£2000 excl. VAT

SMT LICOS (Oil/Chemical)

5 Days Webinar

This is a real time, high fidelity cargo simulator training program, starting with the basics and working through to high complexity cargo operations and emergency response.

Part of the training will be from a watch officer level, and part from a command level. a third officer will need to understand what the decision making process of the chief officer is, and the pressures and challenges faced by the command.




£2000 excl. VAT


SMT Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Awareness Training

2 Days

This is a more detailed look at the hazards and practical elements of Liquified Natural Gas as a bunker fuel, with demonstrations that the delegates will remember. 

  • Introduction to LNG
  • The drivers for using LNG as a fuel
  • Properties of LNG
  • Hazards of LNG
  • Cryogenic storage – different solutions for ships
  • Types of tank used for the storing of LNG
  • The ecological facts on LNG
  • The economical facts on LNG
  • Setting up technical specs for LNG fueling systems.
  • LNG bunkering – what to expect – technical solutions.
  • Coordination/advise of the LNG project for the project management team within your organisation
  • Regulations applicable to the use of LNG as a fuel
  • LNG Bunker delivery methods
  • Safe Bunkering
  • The Bunkering Operation
  • Management of LNG Fuel Tanks (to be discussed with your organisation and thus depending on the installation that we will have)
  • Gas Measuring Instruments

For those working with LNG as a vessels fuel.

Stream Marine Training Limited.

SMT LNG Awareness

£750 excl. VAT

SMT LNG/LPG Operational Aspects Training

2 Days Webinar

  • Properties of gases and liquified gases
  • Dangers of LNG, LPG and chemical gases
  • Gas detection
  • Cargo compatibility
  • IGC code requirements
  • Tank types
  • Cargo equipment
  • Cargo operations
  • Ship-shore interface
  • Fire fighting systems
  • Pollution control
  • Emergency response
  • Control of Work

£400 excl. VAT


SMT Marine Evacuation System (MES)

1 Day

Familiarisation in Marine Evacuation encompassing the following elements:

  • Lifesaving Equipment
  • Release Systems
  • Deployment of Survitec Zodiac MES MIS
  • Additional Rafts
  • Completion of Evacuation
  • Means of Rescue (MOR)
  • Other Types of System

Once completed, candidates will be awarded with the SMT Marine Evacuation System Certificate.


£140 excl. VAT

SMT Marine Rescue Training

2 days

This is a rescue boat and marine rescue course for emergency response teams using small rescue boats. It will look at The use of the boats and rescue of the casualty.

• Launch & Recovery
• Off load hooks/release mechanism
• Slow speed boat handling
• Holding position
• Outboard Engine Failure
• Communication
• Man overboard
• First Aid/Casualty recovery
• Boat Handling in prevailing weather
• Capsize procedures

Stream Marine Training

SMT Marine Rescue Training

Small vessels, such as shipyard and similar facilities, and close coastal rescue boat courses.



£175 excl. VAT


SMT Methanol Awareness Training (MAT)

1 Day

This course provides training for Methanol Awareness fuel systems and implementing the correct procedures with confidence within the safety management systems, as well as having confidence around risk managing the process. This is a more detailed look at the hazards and practical elements of Methanol as a bunker fuel, with demonstrations that the delegates will remember.

SMT Certification in Methanol Awareness

This course does not have any prerequisites

For those working with Methanol as a vessels fuel. Can also be shore side staff and everybody who does not requires basic or advanced IGF

Please contact us to create a bespoke course and pricing details

Price On Request


SMT Mooring Operations and Safety

1 Day

The mooring operations course covers all aspects of safe mooring operations, focusing on the essential safety requirements to ensure all crew and mooring gangs are safe.

As ships get larger and the strains on mooring equipment become greater, this is an excellent choice for CPD and safety awareness.

The mooring operations course is aimed at people, whether at sea or shoreside, who will be working in a mooring operations environment.

The core topics of the mooring operations course are:
• Typical forward and aft mooring stations*
• Mooring and safety hazards
• Mooring signals
• Mooring ropes and heaving lines
• Mooring and unmooring*
• Communications
• Mooring Boats
• Damage
• Winches*
• Snapback zones
*Can be tailored to the specific company or vessel

Stream Marine Training

SMT Certificate of Mooring Safety and Operations Training

£140 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Crude Oil Washing (COW)

1 Day Webinar

In accordance with: - 

IMO Resolution A.897(21) – Amendments to the Revised Specifications for the Design, Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems (Resolution A.446(XI) as Amended by Resolution A.497(XII)) – (Adopted on 25 November 1999)

  • Crude oil washing requirement
  • Inerting requirements and monitoring
  • Siphoning and washing procedures.
  • Slop control
  • Hazards
  • Tank washing equipment
  • Piping and pumping arrangements
  • Training and personnel
  • Final Inspection
  • Emergency response and pollution control

£250 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Gas and Atmosphere Operation

1 Day Webinar

  • Flammability
  • Electrostatic hazards
  • Inerting
  • Padding
  • Purging
  • Pigging
  • Gas Freeing
  • Modern and traditional gas measurement
  • Inhibitors
  • Liquid pads
  • Vapour return/Vapour Balance

£275 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Inert Gas Systems (IGS)

1 Day Webinar

  • Flue Gas
  • IGS
  • Nitrogen
  • Argon Plants
  • Portable bottles

For each of these we will look at: -

  • The securing/stowage and location of the equipment
  • The construction, design and limitations of the equipment
  • The commercial use of the equipment
  • The hazards of the equipment
  • The Operation and maintenance of the equipment
  • Emergency response and pollution control

£250 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

0.5 Day Webinar

  • The vessel and sources of pollutants
  • The hazards of these pollutants
  • Control measures for these pollutants
  • Incident investigation and reporting
  • In port and in water compliance with NPDES.

£200 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - Ship-Shore Interface and ISGOTT

1 Day Webinar

  • The nature of the ship-shore interface
  • The PIC 
  • Interested parties
  • The Ship-shore safety checklist
  • Emergency response and pollution control
  • Incident reporting
  • Non-conformities and reporting

£250 excl. VAT

SMT Petrochemical Safety - VOC Management

0.5 Day Webinar

MARPOL annex VI requires VOC training for officers involved in cargo operation on tankers. We will look at: -

  • Hazards of VOC, and environmental damage
  • Procedures and arrangements
  • Equipment onboard
  • VOC releases, and how to minimise them
  • Reporting
  • VOC Management Plan
  • Roles and responsibilities on board

£200 excl. VAT


SMT Shipboard Safety Officer Training - Online via Webinar

3 Days Webinar

From £600.00

The course which has been developed in line with the current legislative framework. To enable designated personnel to take up the role of a safety officer onboard a ship, as identified in The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 (SI 1997 No. 2962) (the Regulations), which define a safety officer as ‘a person who has sufficient training and experience or knowledge and/or qualifies, to enable him/her to properly undertake the duty imposed under the relevant provision in the regulations.’

The aims of the course are to ensure that the delegates will:

  • Understand the duties of the SSO
  • Have considered the legal framework for safety
  • Understand the relationship between the ISM code, safety management on board ship
  • Have an overview of the ISM code
  • Have considered the causes of accidents
  • Understand the process and limitations of risk assessment
  • Have considered the accident investigation process
  • Understand the importance of appropriate interviewing technique
  • Have considered factors influencing the effectiveness of safety committee meetings

On achievement of the desired standard of competence, a certificate can be issued by the training provider.



£600 excl. VAT

Learner shall be a minimum of 18 years old have minimum 12 months sea time and have served at sea in a merchant vessel and have a minimum of two years in the merchant navy.


SMT Shoreside Legislation Awareness Training (SLA)

1 Day

This course includes all the requirements for port and ship to carry out bunkering of low flash point. The course highlights the shore site requirements to carry out bunkering/repairs and dry dock operations.

SMT Certification in Shoreside Legislation Awareness Training

This course does not have any prerequisites

This includes all the requirements for workers on shoreside, dry dock, ports and harbours

Please contact us to create a bespoke course and pricing details

Price On Request

SMT Tanker Inspections and Vettings

5 days

This is a look at vettings, looking in detail at the VIQs and similar standards, but also expanding much more into the negotiation and communication of the Opening and Closing meeting.

Senior Officers, though it may be interesting and useful for shore personnel.

  • Need For Inspections and Vettings
  • Port State control
  • SIRE
  • CDI
  • VIQs
  • Preparing for an Inspection
  • Conduct of an Inspection
  • Opening meeting
  • Discussion and finalising the report
  • Closing meeting
  • Responses after report submission
  • Appeal and Grievance.

SMT Tanker Inspections and Vettings

£650 excl. VAT

SMT Working at Height and Rescue

1 Day

From £195.00

Learners will develop a basic awareness of working at height, focusing on key principles such as: safety considerations, legal obligations, hierarchy of control measures, reporting procedures for defective equipment and much more. 

SMT Working at Height and Rescue

Stream Marine Training

  • Understand legislation, regulation, roles and responsibilities when working at height
  • Understand safe working practices when working at height
  • Understand the types of equipment and testing requirements associated with working at height
  • Rescue at Height basics

£195 excl. VAT


Working at Height Unit 2 - PPE User

1 Day

From £300.00

Course Objectives

  • Familiar with the requirements of the regulations and how they affect them and their organisation including the Health and Safety at work act, the Working at Height Regulations and the PPE regulations.
  • Awareness of Risks and hazards associated with work at height.
  • Awareness of proper planning, risk assessments, Safe systems of work, method statements and rescue plans.
  • Familiar with pre use checks on PPE/PFPE and actions to be taken where faults are found.
  • Awareness  of  control measures  to reduce the hazards of working at height,
  • Awareness of the different types of working platforms that can be used for work at height including MEWP and scaffold towers
  • Awareness of suspension syncope, how to avoid it and how to deal with a person suffering from the effects
  • Awareness with the risks involved in suspension at height, Suspension trauma, crush injuries etc
  • Practical ladder training to include correct procedure for ascent, decent and points of contact.
  • Practical guidance and instructions on the PPE/PFPE used for working at height such as Harnesses, Fall arrest lanyards, Work Positioning, Work restraint and vertical fall arrest lines.

ON sucessfull completion of this course delegates will be issues with a Stream Marine Training certificate

Stream Marine Training

Candidates are above the age of 16 and are physically fit enough to take part in the course as it has  practical and physical aspects


Course should be revalidated every 2 Years


OPITO – BOSIET with CA-EBS & MIST (5 Day Package)

5 Days

From £500.00

MIST constitutes a comprehensive marine training program that introduces newcomers to the fundamental safety aspects of the offshore oil & gas sector. It nurtures an understanding of potential hazards and the corresponding safety measures that individuals may encounter while working offshore. Each module is meticulously crafted to draw learners' attention to their individual safety responsibilities, thereby influencing their behavior and outlook toward colleagues, the facility, and the surroundings.

As for BOSIET with CA-EBS, it is structured to fulfill the initial safety and emergency response training prerequisites for individuals who are new to, or rejoining, the offshore oil and gas industry. This marine training is particularly essential for those who will receive a compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) for use during helicopter travel to offshore locations.


On successful completion of the course, delegates will be provided with an OPITO Approved certificate which is valid for 4 years.

Training activities contained within this course may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be capable of participating fully.

OPITO-approved training centres are required to ensure that prior to participating in in-water CA-EBS practical exercises the learner: Please see prerequisites below

a) Possesses a valid, unexpired Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) offshore medical certificate confirming the learner’s fitness for offshore work* OR possesses a valid, unexpired offshore medical certificate issued by a body outside of the UK which is recognised as equivalent to the OGUK medical certificate of fitness for offshore work* OR possesses a valid, unexpired, medical certificate of fitness to work at sea*, AND

b) Possesses a certificate of fitness to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training issued by a registered OGUK examining doctor*, OR, where the medical fitness certificate for work at sea includes a restriction or is subject to conditions, possesses a statement from an appropriately registered practitioner that the restriction or condition does not result from a respiratory or ENT condition and there is no absolute contraindication to the shallow water learner’s participation in the training*, AND

c) On the date on which the learner is to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training, and prior to entering the water in which the training takes place, the learner gives to the OPITO-approved Centre a statement, that to the best of the learner’s knowledge and belief, the learner has no (current or past) medical condition which makes the learner unfit to participate in the training. Learners must not participate in Additional CA-EBS Training (In-Water) practical exercises if they are unable to meet the requirements of a) b) and c) above.


  • Identify Specific Offshore Oil and Gas Installation Hazards, Risks, and Controls
    • Recognise unique hazards associated with offshore installations and assess related risks.
    • Understand how controls are established to mitigate or eliminate risks.
  • Grasp Offshore Safety Regulations and Basic Safety Management
    • Comprehend key safety regulations pertinent to offshore settings.
    • Explain fundamental concepts of safety management within the offshore industry.
  • Proficiently Handle Helicopter Emergency Situations
    • Demonstrate emergency equipment usage and protocol adherence during helicopter emergencies.
    • Emphasise escape techniques post-helicopter ditching.
  • Master Sea Survival and First Aid Techniques
    • Exhibit proficiency in sea survival skills.
    • Display competence in basic first aid procedures.
  • Effective Firefighting and Self-Rescue in Low Visibility
    • Skilfully operate basic firefighting equipment.
    • Practice self-rescue tactics in scenarios with limited visibility, including smoke-filled areas.


  • Understanding Offshore Legislative Framework
    • Gain insight into the legal framework governing offshore environments.
  • Awareness of Major Offshore Hazards
    • Recognise and appreciate significant hazards prevalent in offshore settings.
  • Significance of Installations Safety Case and Documentation Access
    • Understand the importance of an installation's Safety Case and individual access to related documents.
  • Grasp Asset Integrity and Responsibility
    • Embrace the concept of Asset Integrity and acknowledge shared responsibility between employers and employees.
  • Recognising Common Offshore Workplace Hazards
    • Identify typical workplace hazards within offshore environments.
  • IOGP Life Saving Rules and Workplace Hazards
    • Understand the IOGP Life Saving Rules associated with common workplace hazards.
  • Company-Specific Life Saving and Golden Rules
    • Familiarise with company-specific Life Saving and Golden Rules.
  • Influence of Personal Actions on Safety
    • Recognise the impact of personal actions on overall safety.
  • Role of Safety Committees, Meetings, and Representatives
    • Comprehend the functions of safety committees, meetings, and representatives offshore.
  • Risk Assessment and Management in Offshore Context
    • Learn about risk assessment and management within offshore settings.
  • Insight into Risk Intervention Systems
    • Understand the operation of Risk Intervention Systems.
  • Principles of Safety Management Systems
    • Grasp the fundamental principles of Safety Management Systems.
  • Understanding Permit-to-Work (PTW) Systems
    • Understand the objectives and key principles of PTW systems, including permit generation.
  • Emphasising Personal Responsibility in PTW
    • Acknowledge individual responsibility within the PTW system.
  • Helicopter Safety Principles and Roles
    • Comprehend the principles and roles pertinent to Helicopter Safety.

Price On Request

4 years, via FOET courses

This course is designed to fulfil the foundational offshore safety and emergency response training prerequisites for individuals entering or rejoining the offshore oil and gas sector. It is particularly valuable for those who will be equipped with a compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) for use during helicopter travel to offshore locations.